January 19, 2008

My First Entry - An Introduction

I've been thinking about a blog for quite a while, although I am a Luddite. But, I also want to be a chef, although you'd have to get rid of fussy people and staff for me to be truly happy doing it, so I suppose I don't really want to be a chef. I do love to cook food, I love to buy food, I love grocery stores and restaurants and food on TV. I love to talk about food and think about food and come up with creative mixtures of ingredients that I lavish on anyone who enters our home. I love to have a decently stocked kitchen, no recipes and just play for an hour until I have something that looks great on a plate and tastes even better. And when it doesn't work out, and there are times it doesn't work out, I imagine being at the final moment on a cooking show and just being honest, "well, I just showed you how to make this...um...crap. Let's try again tomorrow."

I also love to critique (and criticize mercilessly) food I eat, as well as the whole restaurant experience. I suppose I also love to find other people who love food as much as I do. People who can make a night of it. My man and I have developed a way to have the most decadent evening. We pick a spot in our wonderful towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro (sometimes Durham, but rarely Raleigh), and walk from one restaurant to another stopping only at the bar for a drink and an appetizer or two. After 2 or 3 stops, we've have tastes ranging all over the globe and a slight buzz that always gets me thrilled at how wonderful it is to live here where we have choices beyond any where I came from (South Jersey to be exact).

So my blog is an outlet for my desire to be a chef or restaurant critic without actually dealing with people. It's my way to feel like I'm making something out of my passions without quitting my job to make a go of a whole new life that I really don't want anyway. I hope to be entertaining, but if not, let's try again tomorrow.


Tom Meltzer said...

Hopefully Delicious sounds a lot more promising than Magically Delicious. I look forward to each and every dispatch.

Leggy said...

I agree Wholeheartedly! What a great idea! And, as a lucky taster of many of April's "expirements" I can say that she definitely has the chops for something like this... No pun intended.